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Maze Runner – The Death Cure

Well I saw Maze Runner: The Death Cure, and I’m not going to bury the lead on this one: It was better than Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Now, this is primarily because the Maze Runner movies are over and we still have a lot of disappointment yet to come with the Star Wars Franchise (full disclaimer, I enjoyed the Last Jedi, but I also like Panda Express chow mein sometimes too). However, this all being said, the story in Maze Runner made far more sense. It’s also because Maze Runner was a fully whole movie (albeit a threequel) and The Last Jedi was administrative cleanup from The Force Awakens. It was a story of a group of beautiful millennials who found the last un-looted Fred Segal in post-apocalyptic Canada and went on a quest for hair product. Upon finding it, they made each other look awesome, and then infiltrate Shoppingmalltropolis so they can stress test ninjatrooper masks by taking them on and off over and over, to see how it would affect their hair and in doing so, they wreck the city, thereby stopping zombies. See? It’s a solid plot. Told you it was better than Star Wars.
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