Disneyland, 1963

This is a stub that is part of my ongoing efforts to digitize old family slides. I recently found this group of nine photos of Disneyland taken back in 1963. 

The slides were in remarkably good condition, especially when compared to most of the slides I have scanned so far, and also showed an area that I had not seen before: the interior of Monsanto’s House of the Future, which used to be just outside and to the left of the entrance of Tomorrowland. There are, of course, photos of the interior on the internet besides these, but these do show some distinct differences from others that I have seen, indicating that the house did evolve, most notably, in the living room where the TV went from compact to gigantic (or perhaps it was the other way around).

I was surprised to see how many of the photos were shot portrait style. I guess Disneyland was ready for iPhone shooters 44 years in advance.

I also wonder what happened to the furniture. Something tells me it still exists someone in a storage room, perhaps at Monsanto, or possibly even down at Disneyland. Maybe it’s one of those things where the people charged with tracking furniture inventory know perfectly well the location of these items, but don’t care enough to publicize it because it’s just another line on a spreadsheet that they maintain. To be clear, I’m not throwing shade. Sometimes, when something is normal for someone, they don’t assign an emotional value to it like others who don’t have daily access. 

Whatever the reason may be, it was fun to see this obscure area of Disneyland that I’ll never get to experience in person.

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