Category: Uncategorized

Car Thoughts: Part 1 – I Dumped My EV for a 13 Year Old Gas Guzzler

Car Thoughts: Part 1 – I Dumped My EV for a 13 Year Old Gas Guzzler

And I don’t regret dumping my EV one bit. Friends, readers, worldlyfolk: Lend me your eyes so that you may gaze upon Bertram Cholmondeley (pronounced “Chumley” if you did not know), a 2006 Range Rover Sport, and  from here on out, an ongoing project about which I shall write on adventures, maintenance, repairs, and thoughts pertaining to all of the above.

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Thing Thoughts: Hey I Won A Contest for Taking a Survey!!

I recently decided that I was going to take every damn survey that promised to enter me into a drawing/sweepstakes/raffle/contest in order to call companies’ bluff and see if I could win something, and guess what? I did.

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