Category: GEAR


The OneWheel Is For Social Media Influencers

The OneWheel Is For Social Media Influencers onewheel

…and if there’s one thing I never was or will be, it’s a social media influencer, ergo, the OneWheel was a mistake for me. I also value my knees, and my overall physical health and wellbeing, and the OneWheel does not really take any of those things into account as a means of personal short range transportation…very short range transportation that’s a pain to carry when it’s time to do that.

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It’s 2018 and I Still Can’t Find a Computer Mouse That Fits…or Have I?

It’s 2018 and I Still Can’t Find a Computer Mouse That Fits…or Have I?

I have a problem, and that problem is finding a comfortable, responsive, well made computer mouse. Seriously. Of course if you want to skip the article and buy the mouse that won, click the link below (SPOILER ALERT).

[maxbutton id="1" text="READ MORE" url=""]                                                                     [maxbutton id="1" text="BUY THE WINNER" url=""]


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